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G-25 Desalting Spin Columns

Rapid buffer exchange for protein samples


  • Fast protocol – buffer exchange or salt removal complete in less than 10 minutes
  • Convenient – pre-made single-use columns
  • Performance – high desalting capacity
  • Versatile – may be used for multiple applications including desalting, buffer exchange, and removal of free dye or any compound with molecular weight below 5000
G-25 Desalting Spin Columns

L-07131-005 G-25 Desalting spin columns 5 columns $ 125.00
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Advansta's G-25 Desalting Spin Columns are single-use columns for size-exclusion chromatography. Easily remove salts from protein samples or carry out buffer exchange. Quickly remove free dye or unbound radioactive label from labeling reactions. Each spin column has a 0.6-mL bed volume, capable of desalting a sample with a volume between 50 and 180 µL.

Each G-25 Desalting Spin Columns include 5 spin columns and 5 collection tubes.