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Incubation trays

Convenient containers for staining and washing gels and membranes

  • Smooth interior – protects membranes and gels from scratches
  • Convenient – multiple sizes (5x7, 6x9, 9x11,10.5x15.5 cm) and designs available for different gels and blots
  • Attached lid – to protect experiments from dust or debris that can cause speckles on blot images
  • Save – minimize antibody and buffer usage by using appropriately sized containers
  • Multi-chamber trays – process 6 mini-blots simultaneously, each chamber requires as little as 3 mL of solution


Incubation trays

L-07034-005 Incubation Tray, 5x7 cm, transparent body and lid 5/pk $ 44.00
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L-07038-005 Incubation Tray, 5x7 cm, opaque black body and lid 5/pk $ 50.00
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L-07031-005 Incubation tray, 5x7 cm, traditional, red body with clear lid 5/pk $ 52.00
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L-07035-004 Incubation Tray, 6x9 cm, transparent body and lid 4/pk $ 44.00
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L-07039-004 Incubation Tray, 6x9 cm, opaque black body and lid 4/pk $ 50.00
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L-07036-003 Incubation Tray, 9x11 cm, transparent body and lid 3/pk $ 44.00
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L-07040-003 Incubation Tray, 9x11 cm, opaque black body and lid 3/pk $ 50.00
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L-07033-005 Incubation tray, 9x11 cm, traditional, blue body with clear lid 5/pk $ 66.00
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L-07037-002 Incubation Tray, 10.5x15.5 cm, transparent body and lid 2/pk $ 44.00
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L-07041-002 Incubation Tray, 10.5x15.5 cm, opaque black body and lid 2/pk $ 50.00
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L-07080-002 Multi-chamber incubation trays 2/pk $ 64.00
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Incubation trays

These lidded incubation trays have a perfectly smooth interior surface, making them ideal for staining and washing electrophoresis gels and membranes. Trays are manufactured to prevent adsorption of antibodies.

Choose from three designs, all available in a range of sizes:

  • Opaque, for light-sensitive applications
  • Transparent, for easy monitoring of colorimetric staining
  • Traditional, for everyday blot washes and incubations

The three available designs are all available in a range of sizes. Opaque containers are ideal for light-sensitive applications; transparent containers are ideal for easy monitoring of colorimetric staining; traditional containers are convenient for typical blot washes and incubations.

Tray images

Tray images

Multi-chamber incubation trays

These specially designed incubation trays are ideal for staining and washing electrophoresis gels and membranes that have been partitioned. Each Multi-chamber incubation tray is partitioned into six chambers that measure 2.7 x 8.1 cm.

Tray images

Tray images

Western blot membranes processed in Multi-chamber incubation trays are comparable to standard incubation trays. HeLa cell lysate was separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to a PVDF membrane. An intact membrane was processed side-by-side a membrane that was partitioned and incubated in three chambers of a multi-chamber incubation tray. The membranes were blocked with AdvanBlock™- Chemi before incubation with a rabbit anti-human STAT-1 (Millipore #06-501) primary antibody. Signal was detected with WesternBright® ECL substrate.